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Category: Lifestyle

Prepper Essentials: Tips for Building an Emergency Prepping Kit

Prepper Essentials: Tips for Building an Emergency Prepping Kit

Article by Zoey Sky from Natural News cross-posted with permission. (Natural News)—Planning for different emergencies such as a civil war or a hurricane may seem stressful. But you can start...

icon Apr 05, 2024

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Advanced Urban Survival Skills EVERYONE Should Have

Advanced Urban Survival Skills EVERYONE Should Have

Article by Fabian Ommar from The Organic Prepper cross-posted with permission. (The Organic Prepper)—Streets and public spaces in large cities present a vast set of dangers and threats, even in...

icon Apr 04, 2024

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Bullets, Batteries and More: 13 Bartering Items to Stock up on While Preparing for the Financial Crash

Bullets, Batteries and More: 13 Bartering Items to Stock up on While Preparing for the Financial Crash

Article by Zoey Sky from Natural News cross-posted with permission. (Natural News)—Even though financial systems seem stable at the moment, there's no telling when the next financial crash might happen....

icon Apr 03, 2024

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Rise of the “Lifestyle Prepper”

Rise of the “Lifestyle Prepper”

They've been called "casual survivalists" and "prepper-lite." Now, a phrase has started popping up around the preparedness industry highlighting the rise of the "Lifestyle Prepper," particularly in American cities. Unlike...

icon Apr 02, 2024

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Save Up to 35% and Get Premium Long-Term Storage Beef Delivered to Your Door Every Month

Save Up to 35% and Get Premium Long-Term Storage Beef Delivered to Your Door Every Month

Let's cut to the chase. Things are looking pretty crazy right now with attacks on our food supply coming from multiple fronts. One does not need to listen to fearmongers...

icon Mar 24, 2024

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Here Are All the Tyson Food Brands in Case You Want to Boycott Them

Here Are All the Tyson Food Brands in Case You Want to Boycott Them

To say many Americans are furious with Tyson Foods right now would be an understatement. When word broke that they are closing a plant in Iowa so they can hire...

icon Mar 19, 2024

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3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately

3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately

"The sky is falling!" — Every Survival Food Company Ever In reality, the sky isn't falling yet. Things are getting bad for millions of Americans, but there is still time...

icon Mar 17, 2024

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Cereal for the Peasants? How the Elites Use “Skimpflation” to Control Our Eating Habits

Cereal for the Peasants? How the Elites Use “Skimpflation” to Control Our Eating Habits

Article by Brandon Smith from Alt-Market cross-posted with permission. (Alt-Market)—People who have been reading my analysis for a long time are well aware of my expectations on the eventual outcome...

icon Mar 16, 2024

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Survival Foods: 5 Simple, Easy-To-Make Recipes for Foods That Can Sustain You in Emergencies

Survival Foods: 5 Simple, Easy-To-Make Recipes for Foods That Can Sustain You in Emergencies

Article by Olivia Cook from Natural News cross-posted with permission. (Natural News)—When disaster strikes, it pays to know how to make foods that do not need many ingredients, are very...

icon Mar 15, 2024

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